Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex – Complete Guide 2025

Many players want to find and enjoy all the amazing Pokemon fusions. Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex is the way that helps them understand and enjoy all this. With the help of this, you know about new, unique fusion combinations and their powers with their stars. No matter whether you are a new player or an old pro player, you enjoy all the adventurous missions and make a good team with the help of data that you get from Pokemon Pokedex.

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex

For those who are finding the detailed information that helps them to play Pokemon Infinite Fusion Dex, this article is very helpful because in this article, you can get detailed information on how to enable it to start enjoying the amazing features of Pokemon Pokedex. This helps you to make your experience with Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex more enjoyable because, with the help of this, you know popular entries, including popular fusion entries like Rayquaza and many more. So get ready to learn about this in depth.

What Is the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex?

The Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex is a magical way that helps you to improve your game. It is a tool that shows you famous and many new combinations for fusing Pokemon.

It is liked by many players because here you get some advanced features as compared to the simple  Pokedex in official Pokemon games. The players can easily generate the hybrid Pokemons using Pokemon Infinite Fusion Generator.

The following are some of the amazing features of Pokemon Infinite Fusion Dex:

  • It shows you almost all types of fusion combinations. Through this, you know about thousands of unique Pokemon pairs.
  • You can also get information like stats, move sets, and abilities about fused and base Pokemon.
  • You can get details of many famous entries for iconic fusions, like Rayquaza and many more.

Through this, you can make many strong combinations that can make your game interesting and enjoyable.

Top Pokemon Fusions in Infinite Fusion

In the simple Pokemon Infinite fusion game, you have to combine different Pokemons to make the best and most powerful combination, but the Infinite Fusion provides you the automatically made combinations that are popular and most powerful according to their stats, abilities, and movesets. In the following sections, you can get some of the most liked combinations.

Rayquaza Fusions

Rayquaza is one of the best combinations that is liked by many players because this combination is very powerful. You have an advantage when you play with this combination.

  • Rayquaza + Charizard: This combination provides you amazing powers like Dragon/Flying when combined with Rayquaza’s with Charizard’s.
  • Rayquaza + Dragonite: For those who want to make a good defense, this is the best strong combination.

Mewtwo Fusions

Mewtwo’s Fusions is another popular fusion, and it is liked for its legendary psychic base and strong fighting strength.

  • Mewtwo + Lucario: One of the strong combinations that is best for its attacking skills.
  • Mewtwo + Gengar: This ghost/psychic combination is liked by many players because of its amazing speed and attack stats.

Charizard Fusions

Many players want the best-designed and most powerful combination. This is best for them due to its unique design.

  • Charizard + Blastoise: This fire/water combination is best in fighting skills.
  • Charizard + Salamence: Here, you get a unique combination of fire and dragon that is popular for its powers.

Dragonite Fusions

Dragonite is liked for its high stats, and this is also a powerful fusion that provides you with a Flying/Dragon design.

  • Dragonite + Garchomp: You can get perfect attacking skills and strong dual Dragon typing in this combination.
  • Dragonite + Tyranitar: For those who want mindful attacking and defense abilities, this is the perfect combination.

Lucario Fusions

In this list of manu popular fusions, Lucario’s is also added because of its Aura Sphere move and strength.

  • Lucario + Machamp: In this combination, you can get a strong attacker with amazing fighting/steel moves.
  • Lucario + Blaziken: This combination provides you with the best high-speed skills with good attacking.

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex by Generation

Generation 1 (Kanto)

The Kanto Pokedex is the main generation of the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex. Here, you can get many popular and amazing characters like Pikachu, Charizard, and Gengar. The combination that you get for this generation is liked by their good stats and high-level moves in the Pokemon Pokedex. The Pokemon enthusiasts can come to know how fusion works with the help of Pokemon Infinite Fusion Wiki

Base PokemonFusion ExamplesTypingStats Highlights
BulbasaurBulbasaur + SquirtleGrass/WaterBalanced Stats
IvysaurIvysaur + CharmanderGrass/FireBalanced Attack
VenusaurVenusaur + PikachuGrass/ElectricHigh Special Attack
CharmanderCharmander + BulbasaurFire/GrassHigh Special Attack
CharmeleonCharmeleon + JolteonFire/ElectricHigh Speed, High Attack
CharizardCharizard + VenusaurFire/GrassHigh Special Attack
SquirtleSquirtle + PidgeyWater/FlyingBalanced Speed, Defense
WartortleWartortle + MachokeWater/FightingBalanced HP, Attack
BlastoiseBlastoise + GolemWater/RockHigh Defense, HP
CaterpieCaterpie + EkansBug/PoisonBalanced Attack, Speed
MetapodMetapod + PidgeottoBug/FlyingHigh Defense
ButterfreeButterfree + DugtrioBug/GroundHigh Speed, Special Attack
WeedleWeedle + ZubatBug/FlyingBalanced Speed, Attack
KakunaKakuna + EkansBug/PoisonHigh Defense
BeedrillBeedrill + GolemBug/RockHigh Attack, Speed
PidgeyPidgey + RattataNormalBalanced Speed, Attack
PidgeottoPidgeotto + FearowNormal/FlyingHigh Speed, Attack
PidgeotPidgeot + FearowNormal/FlyingHigh Speed, Attack
RattataRattata + MeowthNormalBalanced Speed, Attack
RaticateRaticate + JolteonNormal/ElectricHigh Speed, Attack
SpearowSpearow + EkansNormal/FlyingBalanced Speed, Attack
FearowFearow + ArbokNormal/FlyingHigh Speed, Attack
EkansEkans + ZubatPoison/FlyingBalanced Speed, Defense
ArbokArbok + OnixPoison/RockHigh Defense, Attack
PikachuPikachu + JigglypuffElectric/FairyHigh Speed, Special Attack
RaichuRaichu + JolteonElectricHigh Speed, Special Attack
SandshrewSandshrew + PikachuGround/ElectricBalanced Speed, Defense
SandslashSandslash + OnixGround/RockHigh Defense, Attack
Nidoran♀Nidoran♀ + OddishPoison/GrassBalanced Stats
NidorinaNidorina + VileplumePoison/GrassHigh Special Attack
NidoqueenNidoqueen + GolemPoison/GroundHigh Defense, Attack
Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ + CharmanderPoison/FireHigh Special Attack
NidorinoNidorino + ArcaninePoison/FireHigh Speed, Attack
NidokingNidoking + DragonitePoison/DragonHigh Attack, Speed
ClefairyClefairy + TogepiFairyHigh Special Attack
ClefableClefable + WigglytuffFairyHigh Special Defense
VulpixVulpix + ZubatFire/FlyingBalanced Speed, Special Attack
NinetalesNinetales + CharizardFire/DragonHigh Special Attack
JigglypuffJigglypuff + WigglytuffNormal/FairyHigh HP, Special Defense
WigglytuffWigglytuff + ClefableNormal/FairyHigh Special Attack
ZubatZubat + VenonatPoison/FlyingBalanced Speed, Attack
GolbatGolbat + WeezingPoison/FlyingHigh Speed, HP
OddishOddish + BulbasaurGrass/PoisonBalanced Stats
GloomGloom + VileplumeGrass/PoisonHigh Special Attack
VileplumeVileplume + VenusaurGrass/PoisonHigh Special Attack
ParasParas + BellsproutBug/GrassBalanced Attack, Speed
ParasectParasect + GloomBug/GrassHigh Special Defense
VenonatVenonat + CaterpieBug/PoisonBalanced Speed, Attack
VenomothVenomoth + ButterfreeBug/PoisonHigh Speed, Special Attack
DiglettDiglett + ZubatGround/FlyingHigh Speed
DugtrioDugtrio + MeowthGroundHigh Speed
MeowthMeowth + GrowlitheNormalHigh Speed
PersianPersian + GolduckNormalHigh Speed, Special Defense
PsyduckPsyduck + SnorlaxWaterModerate HP, Special Defense
GolduckGolduck + DugtrioWaterHigh Speed, Special Atk
MankeyMankey + TentacoolFightingHigh Attack
PrimeapePrimeape + GrowlitheFightingHigh Attack, Speed
GrowlitheGrowlithe + MachopFireHigh Special Atk
ArcanineArcanine + PoliwhirlFireHigh HP, Attack
PoliwagPoliwag + SeelWaterBalanced Stats
PoliwhirlPoliwhirl + TentacoolWaterModerate Defense, Special Atk
PoliwrathPoliwrath + MachokeWater/FightingHigh Attack, Special Defense
AbraAbra + PidgeyPsychicHigh Special Atk
KadabraKadabra + RattataPsychicHigh Special Atk
AlakazamAlakazam + GengarPsychicExtremely High Speed
MachopMachop + MachokeFightingHigh Attack
MachokeMachoke + SeelFightingHigh HP, Attack
MachampMachamp + PoliwhirlFightingExtremely High Attack
BellsproutBellsprout + TangelaGrass/PoisonBalanced Stats
WeepinbellWeepinbell + OddishGrass/PoisonHigh Speed
VictreebelVictreebel + VileplumeGrass/PoisonHigh Special Atk, Speed
TentacoolTentacool + StaryuWater/PoisonHigh Special Atk
TentacruelTentacruel + CloysterWater/PoisonHigh Defense, Special Atk
GeodudeGeodude + MagnemiteRock/GroundHigh Defense, Attack
GravelerGraveler + RhyhornRock/GroundHigh HP, Attack
GolemGolem + SteelixRock/GroundExtremely High Defense
PonytaPonyta + CuboneFireHigh Speed
RapidashRapidash + ArcanineFireHigh Speed, Attack
SlowpokeSlowpoke + ShellderWater/PsychicHigh HP, Special Defense
SlowbroSlowbro + GyaradosWater/PsychicHigh HP, Attack
MagnemiteMagnemite + VoltorbSteel/ElectricHigh Special Atk
MagnetonMagneton + ElectrodeSteel/ElectricHigh Special Atk
Farfetch’dFarfetch’d + ZubatNormal/FlyingHigh Speed
DoduoDoduo + PidgeyNormal/FlyingHigh Speed
DodrioDodrio + FearowNormal/FlyingExtremely High Speed
SeelSeel + StaryuWaterHigh Speed
DewgongDewgong + CloysterWater/IceHigh Defense, Special Atk
GrimerGrimer + MukPoisonHigh Special Defense
MukMuk + KoffingPoisonHigh HP, Special Defense
ShellderShellder + TentacoolWaterHigh Defense
CloysterCloyster + SeelWater/IceHigh Defense, Attack
GastlyGastly + ZubatGhost/PoisonHigh Special Atk
HaunterHaunter + ShuppetGhost/PoisonHigh Special Atk
GengarGengar + MimikyuGhost/PoisonHigh Special Atk, Speed
OnixOnix + SteelixRock/GroundExtremely High Defense
DrowzeeDrowzee + GirafarigPsychicHigh Special Atk
HypnoHypno + Mr. MimePsychicHigh Special Atk, Speed
KrabbyKrabby + CorsolaWaterBalanced Stats
KinglerKingler + CrawdauntWaterHigh Attack
VoltorbVoltorb + MagnemiteElectricHigh Special Atk

Generation 2 (Johto)

You can get some advanced and unique dual-type Pokemon in Johto. This generation also provides you with many powerful and amazing combinations. Some most like combinations are psychic/dark and electric/dragon.

Base PokemonFusion ExamplesTypingStats HighlightsPokedex Details
TotodileTotodile + ChikoritaWater/GrassModerate Attack, Defense“A tiny but mighty croc with lush greenery.”
EspeonEspeon + UmbreonPsychic/DarkBalanced Stats“Daylight meets moonlight in perfect harmony.”
AmpharosAmpharos + KingdraElectric/DragonHigh Special Atk“A shocking dragon bringing storms to battle.”
ScizorScizor + HeracrossBug/SteelHigh Attack, Moderate Speed“A sharp-edged fighter dominating duels.”

Generation 3 (Hoenn)

Hoenn is the popular generation, and its amazing combination makes it liked by many players. You can get popular Pokemon like Salamence and Rayquaza in this generation. Their amazing combination is most liked because of their amazing speed and attacking skills.

Base PokemonFusion ExamplesTypingStats HighlightsPokedex Description
TreeckoTreecko + TorchicGrass/FireHigh Speed, Balanced Stats“A speedy flame ignited by lush greenery.”
RayquazaRayquaza + SalamenceDragon/FlyingHigh Speed, High Special Atk“A fearsome serpent soaring through the skies.”
JirachiJirachi + GardevoirPsychic/FairyHigh Special Atk, Moderate HP“A celestial figure granting wishes and charm.”

Generation 4 (Sinnoh)

Sinnoh is the generation in which you get many amazing dual-types like Steel/Dark and Fighting/Dragon. They can make your game more enjoyable with their unique moves.

Base PokemonFusion ExamplesTypingStats HighlightsPokedex Description
LucarioLucario + GarchompFighting/DragonHigh Attack, High Speed“A fighter with dragon-like ferocity.”
DialgaDialga + DarkraiSteel/DarkHigh Defense, High Special Atk“A temporal ruler cloaked in darkness.”
TurtwigTurtwig + PiplupGrass/WaterBalanced Stats“A tiny hero uniting water and earth powers.”

Generation 5 and Beyond

This is the latest generation, and it is specially designed to provide you with many advanced and unique Pokemons that are high in stats and good in both attack and defense.

Base PokemonFusion ExamplesTypingStats HighlightsPokedex Details
TotodileTotodile + ChikoritaWater/GrassModerate Attack, Defense“A tiny but mighty croc with lush greenery.”
EspeonEspeon + UmbreonPsychic/DarkBalanced Stats“Daylight meets moonlight in perfect harmony.”
AmpharosAmpharos + KingdraElectric/DragonHigh Special Atk“A shocking dragon bringing storms to battle.”
ScizorScizor + HeracrossBug/SteelHigh Attack, Moderate Speed“A sharp-edged fighter dominating duels.”

Final Verdict

For those who are looking for detailed information about Pokemon fusions to improve their game with amazing combinations, the Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex is the best guide for them. You can get thousands of combinations according to their stats, moves, and abilities in it. With the help of these details about Pokemon Pokedex, you can make your game more enjoyable and interesting. 

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